Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Larkin Bish - SMA IT FORWARD with CASHEL

Larkin Bish - SMA IT FORWARD with CASHEL

We have made it on a great website called SMA IT FORWARD...started by Cashel  a 15 year old boy that has Spinal Muscular Atrophy. He is wanting to get 1 million likes on his SMA IT FORWARD Facebook page by his 16th birthday so that others will be aware of the disease.  Take a look at his website and then go to Facebook and like his page.  We are all doing our part to put SMA in the spotlight and get important research funded for a treatment and/or cure.  Cashel is amazing for thinking of this....THANK YOU CASHEL!

SMA IT FORWARD  Take a look!

to make donations to help fund research for a cure please visit....
Sophia's Cure Foundation

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