Saturday, June 18, 2011

Tatum's 21st Birthday! March 13, 2011

My beautiful daughter Tatum Noel turned 21!  Her favorite color is pink so that's the theme I was going for PINK!

What's a 21st birthday party without some alcohol?!  I really went overboard on these darling labels and Corona.  I think just the drinks alone cost me almost $100.00.  Shhh....don't tell my hubby!

Just a simple table scape. I used fabric for the table runner and pink lemonade in the wine glasses.  I couldn't think of  a loaded pink drink and with the amount of money I spent on the beer I totally went cheap on this drink.

My friend Summer made the adorable wine glass for Tatum and also made the cute little embellished purses.  I wanted our guests to fill these purses with the goodies from the all pink treat table.

Again Summer printed the names and I put them on card stock with rhinestones and stickers.  On the back was a "secret" little ditty about Tatum.  Once everyone was seated at the table to eat I had them turn their card over and we took turns reading what was on the back.  They were things like her birth stats and just funny things she said or did as she was growing up.  This was an excellent conversation starter and we laughed SO hard.

Mexican was the food theme to go along with those Corona's!

I love this picture of us!  Tatum is SO striking!  I made my silk flower headband to stay with the pink theme.

The pink ruffle cake.  It was so delicious!!!  A local baker made this for me and it was the centerpiece of the pink treat table.  Sweet Treats by Jodie. You can find her on facebook.

SugarBritches Designs made the one of a kind name banner.  Notice the black jewels on the points of the triangles. 

I found lots of pink glass items at TJ Maxx, it is one of my favorite stores to shop at.  I also found the pink picture frames there that I put on the table as well.

YUM!  White chocolate dipped strawberries with pink sparkles.  The mini banner was made by SugarBritches Designs.

White Chocolate dipped marshmallows rolled in pink coconut.  Probably not the most tasty thing on the table but hey...It was pink and it was ALL about the pinkness!

So much fun when I found this pink rock candy at a local candy shop.

I made the ribbon topiary which took me hours.  It was really fun though.  I sat with Larkin and we made it together.  Well, she watched as I worked.


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