Saturday, March 31, 2012

LARKIE LU GIVEAWAY just for the heck of it!!

I've decided to really focus on my blog to get Larkie Lu's name out there AND to share what's going on with the Bish/Henson family.

So here's the skinny...I'm gonna have a give away to kick this blog off.  To qualify for the give away start following my blog AND leave a comment under this post.  Once I hit 25 new people I will do the drawing for?!

Here it is......

A brand new Hootie Bow on a pinch clip.\

REMEMBER....COMMENT...FOLLOW ME...and you qualify to be entered into the drawing. 

**if you want to see more Larkie Lu Bows click here!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I keep adding bday photo's...a few at a time! lol

 I keep telling myself that I need to get Larkin's birthday pictures posted on this blog.   For some reason I am having trouble getting them to load in a timely fashion.  So I'm thinking for the next year I will add two pictures at a time:)  lol just kidding.  Maybe a few more after tonight and then I'll be done.  whew!
 I LOVE this picture of Greg and Lark!  It's simply because they look so relaxed and into a conversation with one of her party guests.  It's rare that we can just sit with Larkin and not be so uptight about what's going on with her.  I think this party was just what we needed to unwind with friends and family and just enjoy the fact that Larkin turned 6!!  Yeah for our little sunshine!

Skylar the biggest brother!  He LoVe'S his little sissy "Lucy Lu"!  It's so amazing how much my kid's love one another...It makes a mama proud!