Saturday, April 28, 2012

She's a STAR!

We were asked by our nursing company Craig Home Care in Wichita if Larkin would be their model for some print ads for their agency.  Have I mentioned before that we LOVE photoshoots?!  We were MORE than happy to have them come over and get some great shots of Larkin, two of her nurses and me to promote their wonderful nursing agency.

 I'm sure this shot is to say "hey this is my room and I'm the QUEEN of it AND I'm the BOSS!  haha  Her equipment is in the background to show just how high tech she is.

 This is Leanne, she is an RN and she is one of Larkin's night nurses, she has been with us over 2 years. She works nights at a local hospital and takes care of Lark one night every week.  Sometimes on a Saturday Leanne comes to help us out too.
 This is Debbie, she is an RN.  She has been with us over a year. (I have GREAT nurses)  She takes care of Larkin two days a week.  Larkin makes Debbies laugh and they have such a good time together.  Debbie brightens our day.
I am also so grateful that we have had such wonderful, experienced nurses and a fabulous nursing company to work with.  I reccomend Craig Home Care to anyone that is needing nursing for their little one.  It has been such a saving grace to know that when I leave Larkin in the care of my nurses that she will be treated with respect and love while I am away.  I want to give recognition to my other three nurses for being just as wonderful...Ann our night nurse that works 5 nights a week (she has been with us the longest, 4 1/2 years) she has been a blessing,  Linda another great night nurse that we have had a year. She works one night a week. And last but not least Jessica our day nurse that works 3 days a week and also as a fill in whenever needed.  She has been with us for about 8 months.

a BIG thank you to Craig and our nurses!

I know Craig is always looking for wonderful nurses so if you'd like to apply here is the
contact info:

Craig Home Health Care

Monday, April 23, 2012


When I saw this saying on Pinterest I knew that I had to have  SugarBritches Designs make a custom sign for Larkin's room.  What can I say except that Summer from SugarBritches did an amazing job and made it exactly how I wanted it.  I wanted it to compliment the owl hanging that was already on the wall next to Lark's bed.  LOOK!  So awesome! THANK YOU SUMMER!!

Let me just say that Larkin is one smart cookie.....She does NOT talk...She can't do alot of things but one thing she is not, is dumb.  She is not a vegetable like one nurse long ago stated to me (she lasted one day at our house after that statement) She is an exceptionally "with it" little lady.  She understands a lot of things and if she could talk I would probably be washing her mouth out with soap for telling my secrets.  LOL  just kidding:)

I am having another sign made for Larkin's best friend Leah so they can have matching sayings in their rooms.


Friday, April 20, 2012

The Best Frosting EVER!

Today my daughter Tatum came over to visit Larkin and me.  She started telling us that she had ordered cupcakes for a mini baby shower she was throwing and it was going to cost $25 for one dozen of them.  It was just a little impromptu shower with three girls and their significant others.  She didn't need high dollar cupcakes so I offered to help a sista out!

I ALWAYS have boxed cake mixes in the pantry so Tatum chose chocolate and I told her I would make the frosting from scratch since the theme of her little shower was yellow and gray.

In the meantime Tatum left for work and I mixed up the batter and started combing Pinterest for frosting recipes that I thought would be fabulous.  While I was on the computer Ashley one of my bestie called to say hello.  She is a wonderful cook so I knew if I asked her if she had a recipe for frosting, surely she'd have one.  I was right!!!  That girl rattled off a recipe for the best frosting right off the top of her head!

Here it is.....



PUT ALL INGREDIENTS INTO A BOWL AND MIX ON HIGH FOR 10 TO 15 MINUTES.  I added the yellow food coloring gel at the beginning with all the other ingredients.

This is the lightest most delicious frosting I  have had in a LONG time. 

The cupcakes turned out pretty and tasty and cost Tatum $0.00

Hope you enjoy the recipe and hopefully I will get some of the darling shower pictures to share with everyone.



Wednesday, April 11, 2012

SMA ain't got nothin' on us!

(Larkin Feb. 2006 4wks old, just had her feeding tube surgery. Still in NICU)

 Today I read a blog about a newly diagnosed little girl with SMA.  It brought back memories of when we found out our little lady had SMA, Spinal Muscular Atrophy type 1, the #1 genetic killer of children 2yrs and younger).  I felt compelled to write about how we went from hopeless to HOPEFUL over the years. (yes I said "years"...she has beat the odds)
(just home from the NICU...june 2006, 5 months old)

When we got the startling news that Larkin had SMA we were in complete shock.  We just thought that her Down Syndrome was the reason for her floppiness.  We were told Larkin would not survive to see her 2nd birthday.  I googled SMA before we had the positive confirmation and I did read that SMA was the #1 genetic killer of children under 2 years of age.  I also went numb when I read that they will loose their muscles to breathe and swallow. They do not have head and neck control, etc and will be dependant on others for their every need. 

Even after all of the HORRIBLE things that I had read, the one thing I knew was I WAS NOT GOING TO LET MY BABY DIE!! I said that to the doctors to the nurses and to anyone else that was listening to me.  I WAS IN FIGHTING MODE...MY HUSBAND RIGHT BY MY SIDE! The first thing we did was have the Tracheostomy so we could get her extubated. The doctors looked shocked when my husband and I decided to trach her. wasn't even an option for us to just extubate her and watch her pass away. I could not bear to watch something like that and besides I gave this baby life and I was going to fight tooth and nail to help make her live and to give her the best life possible.  She was two and half months old at the time of this descision and had been intubated for over 2 weeks. She made it through the surgery well and it was such a blessing. 

 We were unstoppable learning how to take care of Larkin and all of her life saving needs. We learned how to take care of her G-tube (feeding tube) we learned how to do trach care and also how to change the trach as it needs to be changed every week and sometimes more than that.  We learned CPR and how to bag her if she was in respritory distress.  All these things we were learning were scary but Larkin was worth all this new knowledge that I thought I'd never in a MILLION, BILLION years ever need to know or want to know.  Because of course I was not ever going to have a disabled kid, I had four healthy ones at home!   Yeah right!
I'm not going to lie...I thought about Larkin dying lots of everyday for two made me sad and I would cry.  I think it was after we hit that two year milestone that I started to relax a little bit.  Now we just take one day at a time.

(Colton, Tatum, Larkin, Skylar & Stratton)

So the point of this post in the first place.  After reading the blog of the newly diagonosed little girl I was kinda taken aback that her family thought kids on vents were not happy.  I was really shocked because I can tell you that that isn't the truth at all!! Larkin is SO happy and brings so much joy to everyone that knows her and I have the pictures to prove it!  LOL She's on a ventilator but so what!  She can breath and doesn't struggle....that makes us all happy!!  So here they are.....sit back and enjoy because I have about 20 pic's to share.

It was hard to just pick 20...I had over 10,000 to choose from...oh my!

We called this the Hershey's Kiss hair do!  Isn't she just edible?

Though Larkin has never been swimming we wanted her to have a bathing suit.  She sure is pretty and looks happy to be showing her sweet BIG  little belly! Strike a pose sista!

In her bean bag hanging out with the mom.  We love spending time playing, singing and just loving on one another.

 Could she smile any bigger?  She doesn't look sleepy....

With Great Aunt Betty....She makes all of Larkin's blankets, sheets and burpees that we LOVE so much.  Aunt Betty lives in Arkansas so visits are few and far between but we love it when she's here.

 I'm wondering what she was laughing at?  She is so funny....I'm sure she thinks mommy is weird and was laughing at me:)

Sitting on brother Skylar's dirt bike!  That was one proud brother and they both loved the photo shoot so much.

Notice she is in her dirt bike gear....also in the picture below.  Sky buys all of her riding attire:)

She has to wear a bow of course. 


I'm a little buzz
My second Halloween

Mommy and Larkin photo shoot.  We LOVE photo shoots!!
(she still is trached but it's under her outfit...we are sly)

Christmas card photo

My Grammy and Buddy on my 5th birthday.  I share a birthday with my Bud and we think that's  really cool!

This is what I love to do most....hold my wonderful daughter.  She is so amazing...we are looking out her bedroom window.

Okay....This is our signature pose!  I love her little pug nose.

This is the picture that we submitted to a cutest Valentine contest and guess what?  WE ya!  Or should I say Larkin won....but those are my lips on the side of her face so technically I won too:)  hahaha

 Larkin loves to be outside looking at HER tree.


<3  LOVE <3

Skylar just scooped her up.

Tatum giving Lark a kiss before she heads out to Prom

Stratton and his wittle sissy! XOXO

LOVE this one.....she squints her eyes...Is she afraid of Colton?  haha
NO....She loves her some Colton.

What would we have been like without Larkin?  What would we be doing today?  Would I still be working?  Would I still be sad? Would I be depressed? What?  Well, thankfully I don't have to wonder about those things because Greg and I fought for Larkin as we would fight for any of our other kids. We are enjoying the precious time we get to love Larkin.  Only God knows how long each and every one of us will be on this earth and I'm just happy that he is allowing us to still have her. 

I count my blessings each and every day for my husband and for each one of my children.


Friday, April 6, 2012


I started making these cadet hats last November at the request of my beautiful daughter in law Mandy. Since then I have had so many requests for cadet hats in all color combinations that I'm really having fun with them! All the cadet hats in this post are available on the LARKIE LU BOWS website now.  Not only are these available but your requests are welcomed!

I'm absolutely LOVING this one!!!  I have plans to wear this in the summertime with a white sundress and lots of fun jewelry...BUT... I haven't waited for that sundress,  I'm already sporting this hat with my jeans and t-shirts....

Yep!  I own this one too! 
I really can't get enough of them....
I have some very LOYAL customers that I'm sure their husbands are not happy with me.  On the average they own at least FIVE of them!  lol  I'm loving that and of course them for purchasing them and supporting Larkie Lu Bows.

Yes and guess what?   If you guessed that I have sported this hat in support of our Kansas Jayhawks then you are absolutely right....  I can also do K-STATE in purple and white on a black hat or even on a white cadet hat.  I have actually sold out of  the KSU hat so no picture to share with you at this time.

I have done other high school colors and that's really fun as well.  It's fun to show up at a sporting event supporting your team with a fun piece of clothing or accessories that are new and exciting.  People will be asking you where in the world did you get that awesome hat!


Just another great hat....think about this, you could totally where this one to support Breast Cancer Awareness or just for the heck of it because it's PINK!!!!

Remember....the sky's the limit with these hats.  I have put huge buttons in the center of the frayed flowers instead of the bling centers.  It's your call.

Support your sports teams, schools and just wear them to support your wardrobe!

This is Mandy wearing the very first cadet hat....she was the inspiration behind these awesome hats.  She is pictured with my gorgeous son Skylar:)